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Alderney eGambling CEO: Alderney license opens up pre-regulated markets


Speaking with Gambling Insider for its Jurisdictions roundtable, O’Leary explained why this makes an Alderney license so valuable.

She said: “Being a global-facing regulator, licensees are afforded the flexibility and freedom to access whichever markets work for their business, providing local laws are adhered to.

“The Alderney license is unique in being the only, highly respected license to open up the pre-regulated space to its licensees.

“Considering that 70% of the online gaming sector is still pre-regulated, the potential afforded here to businesses looking to enter these markets having received the necessary approvals, from a respected and recognised licensing body, is huge.”

O’Leary continued to explain how Alderney aims to increase its impact on the global gaming market in the future.

She said: “We will be building on the jurisdiction’s reputation for excellence to encourage and welcome more global businesses to take advantage of Alderney as a licensing jurisdiction.

“We will also be working alongside other jurisdictions to identify and maximise synergies to benefit licensees while continuing our work with pre-regulated markets.”

The full feature will appear in the Mar/Apr edition of Gambling Insider magazine. Click here to read when available. 

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