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Statscore uploads a new LiveMatchPro feature

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By Hannah Ward

Statscore has recently announced a new feature on its website – LiveMatchPro. This new feature embeds a company’s logo while ensuring it is visible and captivating to the attention of millions of sports fans.

Statscore is a provider of sports data solutions and live match information to sports organisations, leagues, media outlets, broadcasters and betting operators.

The first option it offers is the ability to display logos or ads on the field, court, or ballpark where real-time incidents are shown. This is with an aim to help businesses maximise exposure during key moments of a game.

The second option presents logos and adverts in a box with key statistics and scores, and will be displayed before and after the game and during halftime breaks. It also provides clickable content, so businesses can redirect bettors and fans to particular external or internal pages.

This new feature brings an ability to showcase logos and adverts during live data coverage; now companies can display their company during widespread popular sports.

LiveMatchPro aims to entertain the company’s viewers with animations, showing all the action live, while boosting the number of live bets made by users and the feature also aims to increase the number of visitors.

The new feature also has 36 available languages and holds the ability to add any new language in under two weeks.

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